About Us

Leading Travel Agency in UK

Argus Travel

Leading Travel Agency in UK

Argus Travel was founded in 2013 with the aim to provide top level customer service to its valued patrons.

At that time the concept of a travel agency was unique and prestigious to say the least. Argus Travel provided a cutting edge to the travel industry by offering value added services such as arranging foreign exchange, passport facilitations, ticket delivery, visa facilitations, meet and greet at the airport, and guaranteed seat confirmation on various airlines.

Today we are providing exactly the same services in a modern era whereby automation and security challenges have changed the face of the travel industry in turn changing the way we provide these services now.

Keeping up with the pace of these rapid changes Argus Travel can proudly claim to be a leading Travel Agency in UK, with Global Partnerships with market leading brands, A team of highly skilled Travel Professionals to take us towards being one of the most highly recognized travel brands in the Country.

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Why us

There are currently several Travel Agents operating in the Country. Our unique ability to serve locally and respond globally is how we create the best solutions for our customers. Argus Travel is not just agency that issues tickets; we provide solutions, offer complete Travel Management Services that set us apart from the competition. Together with our Global Affiliates we provide cutting edge services that not only are unique in their class but also are part of our vision to shape the Travel Industry of UK. Our Team is at your services from the moment you contact us. Argus Travel today is not only a market leader in corporate travel but also leads the way in the leisure travel business. We understand that people are at the heart of every business.

Some of Our Unique features are as follows:-

International & Domestic Ticketing

Global Handling through our Partner and associates worldwide

Business Travel Specialization

Customer Profiling

Car and Rail bookings worldwide

Travel Insurance and Advise

Visa Assistance

Competitive rates for Pre-paid Holiday and Other Packages